Are Ionic Air Purifiers Good for Allergies? - A Comprehensive Guide

Many air purifiers designed for home use claim to control allergy symptoms, but there is no scientific data to show that air purifiers with ionizers that use UV light are effective for allergies. If you suffer from allergies, you may be looking for ways to reduce your symptoms. While we know that air purifiers can reduce the amount of pollution in the air, can they help reduce allergy symptoms? Some studies suggest that yes. However, there is more than one way to keep the air in the house clean.

Learn how to alleviate allergy symptoms with the help of an air purifier and other ways to improve indoor air quality. While more research is needed, some studies have shown that placing an air filter in the home can reduce indoor air pollution and alleviate allergy symptoms to some extent. However, the type of air purifier you use is important, as some air purifiers have been shown to aggravate allergies rather than alleviate them. Ionic electrostatic room cleaners are not recommended for allergy sufferers, as they produce irritating ozone from the ions they release.

Cheap fiberglass oven filters can also be harmful, especially if you forget to change the filter frequently. Be wary of air purifiers that claim to relieve allergies. There is no scientific evidence that air purifiers that use UV rays, UV light, a light that kills bacteria, are useful for reducing allergies, although it is sometimes marketed as such. Air purifiers are particularly useful for people with animal and pet allergies.

According to the EPA, animal dander and cat saliva are some of the most common household irritants in the air. You can reduce the amount of pet dander in the air by placing an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter somewhere in your space. They are also effective against dust, pollen, and other airborne contaminants larger than 0.3 µm.If your home uses a central heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, you can help the filtration system work throughout the house by installing a better air filter. Permanent and disposable air filters are available. Negative ions occur naturally near waterfalls or after rain.

These negative ions can even positively affect humans, animals, and the environment because they create oases of pure air. However, ionic air filters aren't that benign. When released into indoor air and inhaled, ozone is a potent lung irritant that aggravates allergies and asthma. Not only do ionic air purifiers produce ozone as an undesirable by-product, but they aren't even particularly effective at removing other pollutants from the air. Air purifiers can help with seasonal allergies, but they may not be the most effective method.

Air purifiers only filter air in a very small space inside the house, limiting their benefits, says Dr. Apart from the immediate space or room where they are located, they will not affect small particles distributed on other levels or rooms. It's important to understand that just because the air looks and smells clean doesn't mean it really is, although fresh-smelling air may indicate the absence of certain contaminants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Air ionization is one of the most sophisticated methods for reducing allergens and mold as well as other pollutants such as VOCs, viruses, bacteria, smoke, odors and more. The best way to remedy this situation is to use an air purifier that is designed to handle tiny particles such as allergens. However, it's easy to dramatically reduce the concentration of airborne allergens by using an air purifier for allergies. In other words, air purifiers are among several indoor air quality management tools but they are not a magic formula capable of solving air quality problems on their own. In an effort to clean the air so to speak let's explore some key issues related to ionic air purifiers.

There are mixed opinions as to whether air purifiers are a reliable solution to help prevent seasonal allergies. Ionizers which are also called ionic air purifiers take a completely different approach to cleaning the air. Pediatricians and immunologists say an air purifier could be one of many tools to help your family survive allergy season but it's not a panacea. Some five years later adverse findings related to ionic air purifiers finally reached Sharper Image.

Air purifiers

also known as air filters help reduce the amount of pollution in the air of a designated space. If you have any type of respiratory illness you should not use an air purifier that produces ozone. If you or someone in your family experiences any of the symptoms listed above adding an air purifier can help reduce symptoms.