The Best Air Purifiers for Allergies: What You Need to Know

When it comes to allergies, air purifiers are often touted as a great solution. But do they really work? The truth is, there is no scientific evidence that air purifiers with ionizers or UV light can effectively control allergy symptoms. However, air purifiers can actively remove allergens from the air you breathe at home, making them a great choice for people with frequent allergies. Humidifiers can also help ease symptoms and get you through allergy season.

But if you want the best of both worlds, you can get an air purifier with a humidifier built in. This way, you can get the protection of an air purifier and the effects of a humidifier to alleviate symptoms at the same time. When shopping for an air purifier, keep in mind that the devices may vary. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that people should not buy air purifiers that emit ozone. There are many great air purifiers available, but people with frequent allergies need a more specific purification system.

The best place to place an air purifier is the area where you spend the most time or where there is a source of pollution. If you're looking for the best air purifier for allergies, RxAir is a powerful UV air purifier that destroys more than 99% of airborne bacteria and viruses, such as the flu (including the H1N flu), several strains of coronavirus (such as SARS and the common cold), pneumonia, MRSA, streptococci, tuberculosis, measles, and the common cold. While UV air purifiers usually work silently and can be effective in eliminating bacteria from the air if a person uses them with HEPA filters, these devices can emit ozone. Most UV air purifiers expel air quickly through UV lights without sufficient exposure time and proximity to inactivate harmful pathogens. In addition to using an air purifier, people can also improve indoor air quality by controlling the source of indoor air pollution and making sure the area is well ventilated. So, if you suffer from allergies, an air purifier may be just what you need to help keep your symptoms under control. Allergy sufferers know how difficult it can be to manage their symptoms.

But with the right tools and knowledge, they can find relief from their allergies and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Air purifiers are one of those tools that can help reduce allergens in your home and make it easier to breathe. With so many options available on the market today, it's important to do your research and find an air purifier that meets your needs and budget. When choosing an air purifier for allergies, look for one that has a HEPA filter or other type of filter that is designed to capture small particles like dust mites, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and other allergens. Additionally, make sure it has a high CADR rating so it can effectively clean large areas quickly.

Finally, consider getting an air purifier with a humidifier built in so you can get both benefits at once.