Can Air Purifiers Help Alleviate Allergy Symptoms?

If you suffer from allergies, you're probably looking for simple ways to reduce those annoying symptoms. While we know that air purifiers can reduce the amount of pollution in the air, can they help reduce allergy symptoms? Some studies suggest that yes. However, there is more than one way to keep the air in the house clean. When it comes to alleviating allergy symptoms, air purifiers can be a great help. Studies have shown that placing an air filter in the home can reduce indoor air pollution and alleviate allergy symptoms to some extent.

However, the type of air purifier you use is important, as some air purifiers have been shown to aggravate allergies rather than alleviate them.

Ionic electrostatic room cleaners

are not recommended for allergy sufferers, as they produce irritating ozone from the ions they release. Cheap fiberglass oven filters can also be harmful, especially if you forget to change the filter frequently. Be wary of air purifiers that claim to relieve allergies. There is no scientific evidence that air purifiers that use UV rays, UV light, a light that kills bacteria, is useful for reducing allergies, although it is sometimes marketed as such.

Air purifiers are particularly useful for people with animal and pet allergies. According to the EPA, animal dander and cat saliva are some of the most common household irritants in the air. You can reduce the amount of pet dander in the air by placing an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter somewhere in your space. They are also effective against dust, pollen, and other airborne contaminants larger than 0.3 µm. If you're only going to use it in one place, choose an air purifier with a Clean Air Supply Rate (CADR) that matches the intended room size. If your home uses a central heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, you can help the filtration system work throughout the house by installing a better air filter.

Permanent and disposable air filters are available. Air purifiers can help with seasonal allergies, but they may not be the most effective method. Air purifiers only filter air in a very small space inside the house, limiting their benefits. In the 1980s, he founded Alpine Industries, a company that sold a popular line of purifiers that used ozone to clean the air. The bad press continued with several articles in Consumer Reports suggesting that some air purifiers weren't very good at performing the latter function.

They all had a fan that recycled the air and took into account the noise, which, depending on the model and configuration, ranged from a pleasant hum to the hum of a wind tunnel.

Dust mites

, bodies, droppings, and saliva contribute to the buildup of dust in the air and can worsen allergies. For several weeks now, I have been testing several portable air purifiers which supposedly remove allergens, pollutants, and odors from indoor air. Elizabeth Matsui, a professor at Johns Hopkins University and chair of the Air Pollution and Indoor Allergens Committee of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology noted that pollen doesn't stay in the air for long; it tends to settle quickly on the ground. You might see one in homes, offices, stores, and businesses cleaning the air while people try to remove impurities and allergens from the air they breathe.

My allergist recommended a good brand of mattress covers and pillows for my bed and we have air filters in our attic where there is a lot of dust and on our ground floor. Pediatricians and immunologists say an air purifier could be one of many tools to help your family survive allergy season but it's not a panacea. For people with allergies scientific studies have shown that air filtration reduces these airborne allergens and can provide some relief. Therefore we decided to take a closer look at these issues and answer this question once and for all: Will an air purifier worsen your allergies?. Read on for expert answers about the effectiveness of air purifiers for treating allergies before you add this expensive investment to your cart. In addition to a portable air purifier there are also ways to install air purifiers in your home ventilation system.

To work effectively air purifiers need to remove extremely small particles suspended in the air, between 0.1 and 1 um. If you have any type of respiratory illness you should not use an air purifier that produces ozone. Overall an air purifier, when used correctly can be an effective tool for reducing allergens in your home or office environment. It is important to choose an appropriate model for your needs as well as maintain it regularly so it works optimally. By following these tips you will be able to make sure your home or office environment is free from allergens so you can breathe easier!.