What MERV Rating is Needed for Allergy Sufferers?

If you suffer from allergies, you need an air filter with a MERV rating of 9-12 to capture most pollen. This range of filters can capture particles down to 1 micron in size, and if you want to capture even more allergy triggers, opt for a MERV 13 air filter. On the other hand, if you're looking to save money on energy bills, a filter with a MERV rating lower than 7 would be ideal. However, since it does not capture tiny particles, it is not suitable for people with respiratory problems.

It is important to choose the right MERV rating for your oven filter to prevent allergens from entering the air conditioning system. A MERV rating of 7 or 8 is fine for most household particulates, dust, and pollen. If you need to remove smoke from your home air, you'll need an air filter with a high MERV rating. MERV ratings, or minimum efficiency values, are numbers assigned to air filters to determine their efficiency in removing particulates from the air. Using an air filter with a MERV rating of 10 to 14 will help remove fine dust and particulate matter from the air you breathe.

Filters with a higher MERV rating are the best at trapping environmental triggers for asthma and allergies. If you need to keep pollen levels low in your home, using an air filter with a high enough MERV index will help remove pollen from the air in the house. In addition, the MERV rating scale also includes percentages based on the likelihood that an air filter will trap air pollutants in terms of particle size. If you've spent time looking for an air filter, you've probably seen the MERV rating on several filters. If you have sensitive allergies caused by smoke or smog, then you'll want to buy an air filter with a MERV rating at the higher end of the scale. When it comes to choosing an air filter for allergy sufferers, it's important to understand what kind of particles are causing your allergies and how they can be removed from your home's air.

The higher the MERV rating on your filter, the more effective it will be at trapping allergens like pollen and smoke particles. A MERV rating of 9-12 is ideal for capturing most pollen particles, while a higher rating of 13-14 is best for removing smoke and smog particles from your home's air. It's important to remember that while a higher MERV rating can help reduce allergens in your home's air, it can also reduce airflow and increase energy costs. To find the right balance between efficiency and cost savings, consider using an air filter with a MERV rating of 7-8 for general household particulates like dust and pollen, and a higher rating of 10-14 for smoke and smog particles. Choosing the right MERV rating for your home's air filter can make all the difference when it comes to reducing allergens in your home's air. A higher MERV rating will help remove more allergens from your home's air but may also reduce airflow and increase energy costs.

Consider using an air filter with a MERV rating of 9-12 for most pollen particles and 13-14 for smoke and smog particles.<.